The third Annual General Meeting of Gateway Co-operative Credit Union (2017) Limited will be held on Thursday, October 29, 2020.
The Nominating Committee hereby invites members of the Credit union to nominate suitable candidates to fill vacancies for the following:
Board of Directors (BOD)
Credit Committee
Supervisory Committee.
Nominations from members will be accepted by petition under the following terms and conditions:
1. Nominations to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors (3), Credit Committee (2) and Supervisory Committee (5) must be duly signed by at least twenty-five (25) members and submitted to the Nominating Committee for consideration.
2. Candidates nominated and shortlisted will be interviewed by the Nominating
3. Each nomination must be accompanied by a nominee’s resume and must be signed by the nominee stating that he/she is in agreement with the nomination and will serve if elected to office.
4. A member seeking to hold office shall be disqualified if he/she: -
fails to satisfy the Registrar and/or the Supervisor that, he/she is a fit and proper person to perform corporate management functions;
has a dormant or inactive account for six months and over;
is a member for less than six (6) months;
is delinquent at the time of the Nominating Committee’s deliberations.
A copy of the petition form is available at all offices of Gateway (Sam Sharpe Square, Church Street, Fairview and Lucea) and on the website: Click to download form.
Nomination by petition should be placed in a SEALED envelope marked: “CONFIDENTIAL: Petition to Nominating Committee – Gateway” and submitted to any office of Gateway Co-operative Credit Union (2017) Limited.
Closing date for receiving nominations by petition is August 26, 2020.
Dated on the 10th day of August 2020.